That's a Wrap on 2020!

2020. Well. What a year! I thought I would write something down about this year which has been… interesting to say the least.

On a personal front this has been an incredibly stressful year. Living in Australia means the start of the year was full of stress because of the devastating bushfires. Then we went almost straight into Covid. I work in an industry which doesn’t ever stop. So I had to stare Covid (and scared and sometimes abusive people) in the face day in and day out. Thankfully we’re incredibly lucky in Australia and while we have still been impacted by Covid, it’s not anywhere near as badly as others. I am also lucky to work in an industry which has only been impacted in ways of being busier. So to have that job security is something I never took for granted. And while staffing issues meant the last couple months of the year were pretty awful, I’m grateful to have a job and to have survived 2020.

As for my writing: 2020 has been huge for me. I released five books this year (and I have finished the next three which are due out in the first three months of 2021). This has been my biggest year for releasing books. I suppose it could be because of 2020 and the restrictions/lockdown we all went through, but honestly I think I wrote less from all that. I was exhausted from work (and all up only had a few extra days off this year) and had little brain power for much writing. The first five books in the In Midsummer series was basically written LAST year. I was just editing at the start of this year and then getting them professionally edited ready for release. The books I did start and finish this year were Protecting Prince, Loving Love, and A Christmas to Die For. Those first two I wrote the first draft for both within a week! I was a machine. A Christmas to Die For was much harder for me to write. I even considered releasing it next year instead because I was so unsure of it. So, of course, it has been my biggest release of this year (and biggest of most recent years!) I was feeling incredibly burnt out after finishing ACTDF and considered taking 2021 off from writing. I don’t actually make money writing (I’ve never broken even on a book I’ve released!) so it’s a fine line between what I gain from writing and what I feel is taken. Sometimes the negative can outweigh the positive. I will admit I’m in a better headspace with my writing and while I haven’t placed pen to paper yet, some ideas are starting to speak to me loud enough I might need to get onto that. So perhaps there will be more to come in 2021.

As for the books I read this year: Wow! So many amazing books! I used to do a monthly post about what books I had read and loved and I wish I had time to continue doing that. For now I’ll just post about the books I read/listened to and loved in 2020:

The Soulbound series by Hailey Turner 
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I have devoured the first four books and I think I’m going to try hold out until the final two books release before I start book five. They are incredible! The world building, the writing, the romance between Patrick and Jono! *swoons* I am just so in love with this series. I had to own the paperbacks and I’ve already re-read my favourite scenes several times.

Unbreakable Bonds/Ward Security series by Jocelynn Drake and Rinda Elliott
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I still can’t bring myself to finish the Unbreakable Bonds series. I have one left and I think 2021 will be the year I have to let the guys officially go, but for now I have the comfort of knowing there is on book left. My year started with Fracture (Unbreakable Bonds #6) and I was quick to read the final (for now) book for the Ward Security series (Killer Bond) and both blew me away. I love these guys, love the suspense and heat they all bring to these books. They are certainly re-read material!

DDVN Series by K.F Breene
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I read Penny’s books this year (books 4-6) and that trilogy was so amazing. The romance between Penny and Emery evolved over this trilogy so beautifully that by their final book I knew it was probably one of the best romances I’ve ever read. Their love was breathtaking. Add in Penny’s character growth, the awesome storyline, and the fantastic humour, and this series will always remain a favourite of mine.

Alice Worth series by Lisa Edmonds
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This is a series that just gets better and better with each book. Alice is super strong, smart, and brave, but she’s also not perfect. She is relatable and isn’t afraid to make a mistake or own up to it. I listened to these books and I was on the edge of my seat, completely lost in this amazing world, and never wanting to come out of it and reenter RL. This is a series that definitely deserves more attention and I’m so grateful I found this absolute gem.

The Hate Race by Maxine Beneba Clarke
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This was so fantastic. I think being a book set in Australia it really had a huge impact on me of what happened and continues to happen in this country. I was captivated by this book and it still is with me today.

Deal Maker by Lily Morton
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This was incredible. I have decided to save Lily’s books for times when I need something I know I’ll love. This book consumed me and I didn’t want it to ever end. I love how rich her worlds are, how real her characters are, and how genuine the love between the men always is. Jude and Asa stole my heart and I think I loved this even more than the first book in the series (which is also incredible!)

Omens by Suzanne Wright
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This was everything I hoped for and more. I have been anticipating this book since it was announced it was releasing and so I had super HIGH hopes. I even thought my hopes were so high there was no way Wright could meet them. Well … she did. Khloe and Keenan were hilarious together and I loved every single bit of their love story. I probably had the goofiest smile on my face the entire time, but as soon as I was done I just wanted to go back and reread it.

Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race by Reni Eddo-Lodge
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Painfully insightful and wonderfully articulated, I found this book to be impactful and unapologetically brutal. I haven’t read many books with a focus on the UK and found myself having many discussions with my mum (who was born in England) and opening her eyes to things she didn’t see herself. It started many much needed conversations and left me thinking long after the last page was finished. 

Just a Bit Wrecked by Alessandra Hazard
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This was my final read for the year and it was magical! I fell into these pages and these characters and didn’t come back out until I was done. I don’t know how she does it, but somehow she creates these characters you can’t possibly even like at the start, and yet soon enough you’re cheering for them and by the end you’re madly in love with them. That is what happened here for me and I cannot wait to see what story she brings us next.

These are just some of the amazing books I read. With 240 books consumed in 2020 it’s hard to narrow them down. I’m so grateful to have read so many fantastic stories and I cannot wait for what books will be wowing me in 2021.

I also want to thank everyone for the support they've shown me. This year has especially blown me away and the readers who took a chance on me this year have been incredible. I've been tagged in so many lists that readers have used to promote my work. I also have found a group of incredible women who have been my cheerleaders and shown me support I've never experienced before. I rarely talk about what I write in my RL because friends/family don't have any interest. I'm used to doing so much of this on my own, but this year new readers/friends have shown up and I'm so grateful for their ongoing support. It's made a huge difference in how I've viewed writing and in my motivation to continue on.

Okay time to end this here. I hope 2021 is kinder to us all. Have a brilliant year and I hope you'll continue to stick with me!

-Jessica Frances 



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