M/F Romance


All books displayed are M/F books by Jessica Frances

Love at First Crime Series - Completed

Books 1-3, 6-7 are m/f

All Standalone within a series (although book 7 is highly recommended to be read after book 6)

A Group of P.I's and the partners who end up driving them crazy, yet madly falling in love along the way!

#Action #Adventure #Romance #Sexy #Funny #Quirky #Sweet

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Taken Trilogy - Completed

Need to be read in order

#Suspense #NA #Government Experiments #Powers #Love #Romance #Drama #Chase

*Fun Fact - Taken By Surprise was my first published book! 

The Invasion Trilogy - Completed

Needs to be read in order

#Sci-Fi #Aliens Invade #Alien/Human pairing #End of the world #Apocalypse #Love #Excitement #Our of This World #Three Planets in Three Books #Action #Adventure #Forbidden Romance


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Haunted Love 

Standalone - Ghost/Cop Pairing

#Paranormal Romance #Who Killed Thea? #Detective #Funny #Quirky #Romance #Sexy 

Link to Amazon

Happily Ever Single 


#Quirky #Sexy #Mother-in-law from HELL #Reluctant Love #Romance #Sweet

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#Dystopian Romance #Humans are no longer top dog #Forbidden Romance #Angst #Drama #End of the World #New Adult

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