Hey all! Just a quick message to let you know that my facebook page is likely disappearing. Apparently my account isn't one they're going to keep running...? I don't really understand it. However, since I usually only get about 20 people who see any posts I make (out of the 1.7K who have liked my page) I don't really see the point in fighting it. It just means that any updates I have in the future will come through here, Instagram, and Goodreads. Happy reading! Jessica x
And we’re already into November! This year is just zooming by. I had a slightly more successful month for my writing. I managed to finish the first draft of the second book in my new sci-fi series. I like to have the entire story finished in at least draft form before I begin the process of covers for any or worrying about getting my editors on board. I have never, and don’t think I will ever, release a series without having it complete first. I have a horrible fear of starting something I can’t finish and letting people down. So I am now halfway through that series in terms of first drafts. Unfortunately there will be many more drafts to come. I also managed some great reading this month. A friend is obsessed with Kresley Cole and I mentioned I hadn’t read anything by her. So I was then given every Cole paperback in one hit. So that was overwhelming, but I am absolutely in love with the IAD series. This world she has created is amazing. Anyway, here are some books I loved this...
This year has gone so fast! November was a bit of a mixed bag for me. I’ll start with the good news. I finished my standalone book! I went a little writing mad and wrote close to 50,000 words on it to make this draft finish at around 90,000 words. Not a bad size. This is a New Adult Dystopian Romance. I have a cover almost ready and that reveal will happen early January. It is called Revolution and I am hoping for a release towards the end of January. So I’ll have more news to share on that next month. I also lost my Nanna on November 24 th . I was very close with her and I am devastated. She loved reading and for much of my life I always remember her with a book by her side. She loved to read romance. She took a bad turn last year and that got me thinking about death and that is where the idea for Haunted Love came from. Even though it wasn’t a complete surprise, I still feel shocked that she is really gone. So a sad end for November. I didn’t read as much this month either. ...
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