I Stalked Him Back Has Released!

The end is here. The final book in the Love at First Crime series is now live. I never realized how much of an undertaking this series was going to be when I first started writing I Stole His Car in 2016. I certainly never expected it to take seven books to complete. Thank you to everyone who gave this series a try and stuck it out for the almost two years it took for me to finish. I’m so happy with how it turned out and I hope you all are too. Each book has meant something special to me. Each book has helped me through something, even if it was just the escape of writing it, or feeling these characters in my head again to keep me company. It has become so special and I’m grateful to everyone who took a chance on it. I unfortunately had a long gap between the first four books and the last three, but so many of you came back and supported this series, even when I jumped from m/f to m/m and f/f. You took a chance and I’m so appreciative of that. So what’s next? I’m writing a ne...