March Update

Not a real lot to report on for March. I’m nearing the end of the third book in my still untitled new series. My plan was originally to write the first three and then go back over to begin editing, but I’ve had an idea for a novella sized fourth book to round off the first three books… so that means I need to finish that one before I go back over them all. If all goes well, this series should begin releasing close to the end of the year. I will keep details posted on the progress on this blog.

March was another great reading month! Here are some I loved:

My Healer by Alanea Alder  is the third book in the Bewitched and Bewildered series. I LOVED this one and this entire series. This is honestly a must read series for paranormal fans. I have now purchased all these books in paperbacks so I can stare lovingly at them always!

Play by Kylie Scott was fantastic! I LOVED Lick and was terrified that I would find the rest of this series lacking because of my high expectations. Instead I ended up loving Play just as much as Lick. I'm not usually one for rock star books, but this one was brilliant. 

The Hooker and the Hermit by L. H. Cosway and Penny Reid was so much fun. It was exactly what I felt like and I fell in love with Annie, our heroine. I really connected to her and obviously Ronan was amazing, too. This was a feel good romance and I laughed, swooned and smiled a lot.

Mystery Man by Kristen Ashley was a fun read which entered the reader into a new world which I loved. I think my favourite character was Gwen and I loved following her on this journey. It had plenty of angst, drama and action and was perfect! 

Rock Chick Renegade by Kristen Ashley was another great entry into this series. I love revisiting everyone from the previous books and I'm trying to pace myself so I don't finish this series too quickly. 

I hope everyone had a fantastic March and has a successful April. I’m going to attempt to get this third book done and the novella, too. Fingers crossed!



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