
Showing posts from September, 2017

New Release!

LIVE! LIVE! LIVE! I Stole His Car is now #live on Amazon. Buy it for a dollar, or read it free on Kindle Unlimited.  US: Amazon   UK:  Amazon CA:  Amazon   AU:  Amazon   #Romance #Standalone #Suspense #MeetCute #OopsStoleYourCar #NewRelease #BuyMe Book two, I Knocked Him Out, will be releasing NEXT month! This one will be Sasha and Declan’s story, and if you are a blogger there are some ways you can sign up to support the release. Sign up for the review tour to get yourself an ARC of this book here:  ARC Review Tour Sign up for the book blitz here:  Book Blitz Tour Thank you for everyone who has supported my new release so far. I appreciate every purchase, review and kind word thrown my way. You are all so lovely.