April Update

Well, April was a bit of a mixed bag for me. On one hand I finished the third book in my new series, however I hit a block when it came to the novella so I decided to go back to book one and start editing. I absolutely hated the first few chapters which was super disheartening. So I decided the best course of action was to bury my head and kindle in the sand and just read instead. So my writing went nowhere, BUT I read some amazing books! Here are a few I loved: Recurve by Shannon Mayer I knew I would enjoy this since I love the Rylee Adamson series and I connect to Mayer’s writing. I didn’t expect to completely fall in love with this story, the characters and the world. Wow. Incredible. I can’t bring myself to read book two yet just so I can savior this a little bit more. Dating A Dragon by Georgette St. Clair I’ve read a few dragon stories, but I loved the world and rules Georgette created for this one. These dragons were so...