Life/Reading/Writing Update

I had such a great reading year in 2024. Goodreads tells me I read 340 books. My biggest year yet. For 2025 I’m going to try to slow down. I think I’ve been in such a reading mood that it’s drowning out anything else. Why write when I can read? It’s an ongoing joke with my coworkers when they talk about a popular TV show/movie and I’ll tell them I’ll get to it one day or that it’s on my list to watch soon. Spoiler alert: I will never get to it. I had a bit of a health scare this year (one of those situations where thankfully, and very luckily, everything fell into place to prevent a time-bomb in my body from going unnoticed until it was too late. Get those checkups, people!) and it pushed me into trying to find escapism in books (my version of sticking my head in the sand). But this year, I hope to come somewhat out of my reading cave. I’m nearing the end of a completed very rough draft of a new Christmas story. My goal is to have that out by the end of this year. If I can manage more ...